Build bespoke weather models using hyper-local forecasts and available ground-truth

Aggregating multiple data sets to get the most accurate weather model possible -specific to each field

We combine field level data with available services to provide high resolution, personalised predictions per field.

Gain critical visibility

Our weather modelling tools predict what’s coming so you can adapt in real-time.

Hyper Local

A complete weather solution built from satellite data, regional weather monitoring, and local field data

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    Better decision-making
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    16-day weather forecast for each field
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    Temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed

Weather Modelling in a click

Access bespoke and precise weather forecasts quickly and easily.


Samples in field

We’re data agnostic so we can leverage multiple data-sources – from commercial satellite data to highest resolution optical data on the ground.


Fields benchmarked

We give you the power to compare relevant fields easily, simultaneously and continuously. 


Yield accuracy

Our model is designed to ramp up with your data, so we can provide you accuracy when you need it most. 

Omega helped me completely reprioritise my time and resources so I could focus on the fields that actually needed me.

Crop Consultant

Learn how our team can help you better predict and protect your crops.

Need something more bespoke?

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